Optional lower resolution pk3 included for faster performance at the cost of a bit of visual prettiness. 2 second delay when toggling the HEV suit, for balance and realism. Radiation suit now HEV suit and now partially protects against fire, ice, and electricity as well as nullifies acid and poision. Allows Radiation Suit to be turned on or off at will, and also dropped when partially used. Allows Light Amp Goggles to be turned on or off at will, and also dropped when partially used. Optional add-ins included for Light Amplification Goggles and Radiation Suit. (Including Realistic Aim and Critical Bleeding) All Menus and Messages are in DoomVisor font! More immersion means more fun!. MANY Toggle options, for almost any setting. Custom menu option in Options -> Ultimate DoomVisor HUD. Choose between dark, darker, and pitch black levels. Ability to darken the default lighting levels in WAD from UDV Menu. Unknown/Unsupported weapons and their ammo will show in the counter area, but will not be color reactive. Disabled by default, available in DoomVisor HUD Options. Countdown next autosave in bottom right of Visor. Allows user to autosave every 1-10 minutes. Engagement Time (level time) in top middle of Visor. Level Stats display in top left of Visor. (if enabled or on UDV - Hardcore Difficulty) Mugshot displays "fatigued" if health critical and bleeding, "energized" if over 180 health. Shows only static, then completely gone at 0 armor. Mugshot display is "broken" at 10 or lower armor. Shows clear consistent display above 60 armor. Mugshot display will show "malfunction" and flicker at 60 armor or below. Mugshot display in bottom left of Visor.
Helmet shows persistent damage at 80, 60, 40, 20, and 0 armor. Berserk Strength indicator - UAC logo in bottom left of visor will pulse slowly to indicate you are under the effects of Berserk Strength.
Mods that use Hand Grenades will show a Grenade counter on the bottom right display.Audible and On-Screen AI Warnings when Health is Critical, Armor is Zero, Ammo is Critical, and Ammo is Empty.Optional Reserve Ammo display on right side of display.Ammo display blanks out when using melee attacks.Ammo display flashes red when reserve ammo is below 20% capacity.If you experience performance issues when using radar, simply toggle it off. Note: Larger maps can cause a performance hit with the radar.Monsters with 1000 or more health will show up as gold.Radar will show all lower tier monsters position above or below relative to player.Show all all detected movement within your radius. If weapon dual wield is available, visor will display "DUAL" underneath Weapon name.Weapon name displays above ammo display.Optional Armor drain when using Flashlight.Lights up dark areas, but alerts enemy to your presence. Simulated ECG (think Resident Evil) by health bar, changes at 50, 25, and 0.Bottom left display pulses orange below 50% Health, flashes red below 25% Health.Color reactive Health, Armor, and Ammo levels - Numbers change colors at certain levels.Version 1.34 Zandronum 1.2.2 Compatible PK3